“I am a Democrat who believes that carrying out a bipartisan (and nonpartisan) investigation into pandemic origins is essential,” writes Jamie Metzl, who has been called the “Original COVID-19 Whistleblower” and was referenced multiple times in newly-revealed emails between Dr. Morens, Dr. Anthony Fauci, EcoHealth Alliance head Peter Daszak, and the NIH.
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“Others may feel differently,” Jamie writes, “but it’s my view that this close-nit community of natural origin advocates were so wedded to their priors they could not imagine even the possibility that the work they had carried out for decades to prevent pandemics — with the best of intentions — might possibly have contributed to the worst pandemic in a century.”
“I believe that the big story of COVID-19 origins runs through China,” Jamie concludes. “Certainly, we must look at US-China collaborations, but it seems most likely that China took inspiration and know-how from those collaborations as part of its efforts to leapfrog over the USA in science and technology leadership.”
Jamie Metzl is a technology futurist, geopolitics expert, and author of Superconvergence as well as the international bestseller Hacking Darwin: Genetic Engineering and the Future of Humanity available at https://amzn.to/3RwkeC2. Jamie has served in the U.S. National Security Council, State Department, Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and as a Human Rights Officer for the United Nations in Cambodia. Jamie was the lead witness in the March 2023 US congressional hearings on COVID-19 origins and has been called the “original COVID-19 whistleblower” for his efforts calling for a full investigation of the pandemic’s origins. Find more at https://jamiemetzl.com/ and follow him at https://x.com/JamieMetzl
Tom Renz is an attorney from Ohio conducting ‘Lawfare for Freedom’ by fighting corruption surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic at state and federal levels. Find out more at https://renz-law.com and follow him at https://x.com/RenzTom