Newly-elected DNC vice-chair David Hogg says “You have no right to a gun… The modern interpretation of 2A is a ridiculous fraud pushed for decades by the gun lobby.” Fact checkers call this “misinformation.” We just call it “salty lies.”
Is it time to arm yourself and prepare to protect your home and loved ones? What are the safest and best options for a new gun owner – and which firearms are best for defending a house, an apartment, a business, or for concealed carry? 2nd Amendment experts share advice with Dr. Drew and explain how (and why) you should safely arm yourself to defend your home… even if you live in a state like California.
AWR Hawkins, PhD, is Breitbart’s Second Amendment correspondent and a military historian. He earned his doctorate in Military History from Texas Tech University, specializing in Civil War and Vietnam War studies. A five-time award recipient from the Second Amendment Foundation, including Journalist of the Year (2015, 2017, 2019) and Gun Rights Defender of the Year (2016, 2020). He authors the weekly newsletter ‘Downrange with AWR Hawkins’ and has written for American Thinker, PJ Media, Human Events, and Townhall. Read more at and follow him at
Breanna Morello is a journalist and media producer with over 10 years of experience at major networks. She produced content for Fox Business, Newsmax, MLB, and local news before transitioning to independent journalism in 2021. Morello hosts The Breanna Morello Show on Rumble and publishes investigative reporting through her newsletter. Find her work at and