On January 3, 2024, Florida Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo made an explosive announcement: “I am calling for a halt to the use of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines.”
Dr. Ladapo says the FDA and CDC “have always played it fast and loose with COVID-19 vaccine safety, but their failure to test for DNA integration with the human genome — as their own guidelines dictate — when the vaccines are known to be contaminated with foreign DNA is intolerable.”
“If the risks of DNA integration have not been assessed for mRNA COVID-19 vaccines, these vaccines are not appropriate for use in human beings,” reads a segment of Dr. Ladapo’s letter to the FDA.
Dr. Joseph Ladapo is the Surgeon General of Florida and professor at University of Florida College of Medicine. He received his MD from Harvard Medical School and a PhD in Health Policy from Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. Dr. Ladapo worked as an associate professor of general internal medicine and a health policy researcher at UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine. He lives in Tampa, Florida with his wife and children.
Follow Dr. Ladapo’s official Florida government account at https://twitter.com/FLSurgeonGen
Read his book “Transcend Fear: A Blueprint for Mindful Leadership in Public Health“