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Growing Up In A Cult w/ Moses Storm | Dr. Drew After Dark Ep. 228

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This week Dr. Drew is joined by comedian and actor, Moses Storm. Moses tells Dr. Drew all about his wild upbringing from his family creating their own religion, to being circumcised twice, and never going to school. His experience growing up was so obscure, Dr. Drew was on a mission to get the whole picture. They also answered a few live calls where Dr. Drew gives advice on pursuing a malpractice suit and nurturing mental health while pursuing a career in medicine. After watching some gnarly TikToks and answering a few Medical Tok questions, Moses gets a mini lesson in sex education. As a full grown man coming from an extremely sheltered childhood, Moses really learns a lot this week…and so do we.

YouTube Chapters
00:00:00 – Intro
00:01:53 – Moses Storm’s Family Cult
00:30:13 – Malpractice
00:37:30 – Dr. Mental Health
00:44:09 – TikToks
00:57:26 – Medical Toks
01:03:49 – Sex Ed
01:07:32 – Toilet Nerve Damage

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